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10 Principals of Cerebral Infarction Rehabilitation

What Is Cerebral Infarction?

Cerebral infarction is a chronic disease of high morbidity, mortality, disability, recurrence rate, and with many complications. Infarction occurs frequently in many patients. Many patients suffer from frequent infarctions, and each relapse will lead to a worse condition of them. In addition, the relapse could be life-threatening sometimes.

For patients with cerebral infarction, scientific and appropriate treatment and prevention are the most effective measures to improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the high recurrence rate.

Cerebral infarction is a disease caused by multiple causes. In addition to diet, exercise, and scientific nursing, medicine can fundamentally prevent and cure thrombosis and arteriosclerosis. And it is also medicine that can effectively prevent recurrence while improving symptoms.


Ten Principles of Cerebral Infarction Rehabilitation

1. Know the indications of rehabilitation

Cerebral infarction patients with unstable vital signs and organ failure, such as cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, heart failure, myocardial infarction, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hypertensive crisis, high fever, etc., should be treated by internal medicine and surgery first. And rehabilitation should start after patients are clear-minded and in stable conditions.


2 Start rehabilitation as early as possible

Start rehabilitation soon after 24 – 48 hours when patients’ conditions are stable. Early rehabilitation is beneficial to function prognosis of paralyzed limbs, and the application of stroke unit medical management mode is good for early rehabilitation of patients.


3. Clinical rehabilitation

Cooperate with neurology, neurosurgery, emergency medicine and other doctors in the “Stroke Unit”, “Neurological Intensive Care Unit” and “Emergency Department” to solve the patient’s clinical problems and promote the rehabilitation of patients’ neurological function.


4. Preventive rehabilitation

Emphasizing that preclinical prevention and rehabilitation should be carried out simultaneously, and critically accepting Brunnstrom 6-level theory. In addition, it is better to know that preventing “disuse” and “misuse” is far more useful than taking “rehabilitation treatment” after “disuse” and “misuse”. For example, it is much simpler and more effective to prevent spasms than to relieve it.


5. Active rehabilitation

Emphasizing that voluntary movement is the only purpose of hemiplegic rehabilitation, and critically accept Bobath theory and practice. Active training should turn to passive training as early as possible.

It is important to realize that the general sports rehabilitation cycle is passive movement – forced movement (including associated reactions and synergy movement) – low voluntary movement – voluntary movement – resisted voluntary movement.


6 Adopt different rehabilitation methods and procedures at different stages

Choose appropriate methods like Brunnstrom, Bobath, Rood, PNF, MRP, and BFRO according to different periods such as soft paralysis, spasm, and sequelae.


7 Intensified Rehabilitation Procedures

The effect of rehabilitation is time-dependent and dose-dependent.


8 Comprehensive rehabilitation

Multiple injuries (sensory-motor, speech-communication, cognition-perception, emotion-psychology, sympathetic-parasympathetic, swallowing, defecation, etc.) should be taken into consideration comprehensively.

For example, a stroke patient often has severe psychological disorders, so that it’s important to know that whether he/she is depressed and anxious, since the disorder will seriously affect the rehabilitation process and the result.


9 Overall rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is not only a physical concept, but also the ability of reintegration including the improvement of living ability and social activity ability.


10 Long-term rehabilitation

The plasticity of the brain lasts for life so that it requires long term rehab training. Therefore, community rehabilitation is necessary to achieve the goal of “rehabilitation services for all”.

Post time: Aug-24-2020
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