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Isokinetic Training Equipment

The multi joint isokinetic strength testing and training equipment measures the series of parameters reflecting the muscle load to evaluate the functional state of the muscles during the isokinetic movement of the limbs, so as to carry out targeted joint rehabilitation training. Evaluation and training of patient’s muscle strength starts from selecting the mode on the PC, and then the motor works to guide the patient’s limbs which are fixed on the joint accessories to move in the set speed and range of motion. The method is objective, accurate, simple, and reliable.

Human body cannot produce isokinetic movement itself, so it is necessary to fix the limbs to the accessories of the equipment. When it moves autonomously, the speed limiting device of the equipment will adjust the resistance of the lever to the limbs at any time according to the strength of the limbs, so as to maintain the movement speed of the limbs at a constant value. Therefore, the greater the strength of the body, the greater the resistance of the lever, the stronger the load of the muscle. At this time, if a series of parameters reflecting muscle load are measured, the functional state of muscle can be evaluated.

Muscle strength, also called muscle contraction strength, is an important indicator reflecting human body movement function. Muscle strength evaluation has very important clinical significance. At present, the commonly used muscle strength testing methods include barehand muscle strength test, isotonic contraction test and isometric contraction test. However, all these measures have their own shortcomings.


What Is the Isokinetic Training Equipment?

It consists of a motor, a seat, a computer, joint accessories, and laser positioner. It can test the torque, the best force angle, muscle work and other parameters, and can comprehensively reflect the muscle strength, muscle explosive force, endurance, joint range of motion, flexibility, and stability, etc. It can provide various movement modes such as centripetal, centrifugal, continuous passive and so on. It is an efficient device for motor function evaluation and training.

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Advantages of Isokinetic Movement

The concept of isokinetic was proposed by James Perrine in the late 1960s. Since then, its application in rehabilitation, movement ability test, and fitness has developed rapidly. Isokinetic exercise is the safest and most effective way to apply load to muscles because it has a fixed speed and fully automatically adjusted resistance. Isokinetic movement has some advantages that other forms of resistance motion do not have:

The most effective way to make muscle work

Reducing the possibility of damage caused by excessive load

Adapting to pain and fatigue

Multi speed options for testing and training

Reducing joint pressure at a faster rate

Physiological functional extension of muscle strength

Eliminating Inertial movement mode


Multi joint isokinetic strength testing and training equipment is a unique set of testing and rehabilitation training equipment for orthopedic patients to diagnose and recover muscle / joint function.

It has been proved to be very valuable to quantify the body function ability and recover the body dysfunction through using the isokinetic testing and training equipment.

The multi joint isokinetic strength testing and training system is mainly used for rehabilitation evaluation and training of joint muscle strength in patients with muscle dysfunction.

Isokinetic movement is the safest and most effective way to apply load to muscles. In orthopedic rehabilitation, it has the function that cannot be replaced by other muscle strength training. It is a necessary product for orthopedic rehabilitation.

Post time: Jan-18-2021
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