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Rehabilitation Exercises | 4 simple methods for stroke hemiplegia

As we all know, hemiplegia can easily occur after a stroke, so what we can do about stroke hemiplegia? How to treat stroke hemiplegia? How to prevent stroke hemiplegia? Here’s a summary of some recommended six training methods for stroke hemiplegia rehabilitation. I hope it will help you and the people around you.


Circumferential Washing Method

The hemiplegic patient grasps the affected hand with the healthy hand, lets the palm of the affected hand spread out, and then uses the healthy hand to drive the palm of the affected hand to do an imitation of washing the face on their own face. You can start by rubbing the face in a clockwise direction and then rub the face in a counterclockwise direction. You can do 2 to 3 sets per day, doing 10 times as one set. Doing the exercise of washing the face around can make the hemiplegic patient form and strengthen the awareness of controlling the affected hand in the brain.

Supine hip lift method

Patients with hemiplegia take the supine position, then stretch the arms and put them on both sides of the body, bend the legs at the hip and knee, and fix the leg on the affected side in the bent knee position with a pillow (or assisted by family members), then lift their hips up as much as possible so that the hips leave the bed for 10 seconds and then fall down. You can do this 5 to 10 times a day, and you should not hold your breath during the exercise. Doing supine hip lift exercise can enhance the strength of lumbar muscles of hemiplegic patients, which is conducive to the recovery of their functions such as standing, turning and walking.

Crossing the legs and swinging the hips

Patients with hemiplegia take the supine position, use pillows (or assisted by family members) to fix the affected leg in the bent knee position, put the leg of the healthy side on the knee of the affected leg, and then swing the hip to the left and right. You can do 2 to 3 sets per day, 20 times for 1 set. Doing hip swinging exercises can increase the coordination and control ability of the affected limb of hemiplegic patients and help them recover their walking function.


Foot training (one move and two stances)

①Open toes: sit flat or lie on your back, after relaxing your whole body, gradually make your toes open and tighten (try to do so with or without opening and tightening), continue to open and tighten for a while and then gradually relax.

②Tip of toe drawing backward: the same as the previous move, after the feet are fully relaxed, gradually draw the toes backward (with or without drawing tightly try to do so), continue to draw tightly for a while and then gradually relax.

Please consult your physical therapist for detailed rehabilitation plans. I recommend to use the Lower Limbs Rehabilitation Robot A1-3 for rehabilitation plans.

 A1-3 Lower Limb Intelligent Feedback&Training System (1)

Learn morehttps://www.yikangmedical.com/lower-limb-intelligent-feedback-training-system-a1-3.html


Post time: Dec-21-2022
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