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Robotic technology helping patients get back on their feet

  Robotic technology is helping people regain their mobility after certain neurological injuries. A Gait Training Robotic offers tailored treatment that has immediately improved their ability to walk normally. To avoid persistent difficulties walking after a stroke or spinal injury, walking assistance is crucial. But this is a slow process that, if done wrong, can lead to a permanently impaired gait.

  In the past, several physiotherapists were needed to physically support and guide each person through the process of learning to walk again. But the number of the physiotherapists are not enough for patients, so Gait Training robotic have recently been introduced.


  The Gait Training and Assessment Robotics is a system that holds a patient up while using repetitive movements to retrain the brain for walking. Gait enables individuals to move forward and is considered a natural skill. When conditions are appropriate, and the indications are appropriate, this can actually help fasten their rehab program.

 During Robot-assisted gait training, the patient is placed in a supportive harness, and a robotic exoskeleton is attached to their lower extremities. The exoskeleton enables the application of guidance force provided by the robotic-orthosis during ambulation, thus allowing patients to engage in repeated practice of complex gait patterns at near-normal speed over a longer period.


  A lot of the exoskeleton implementations also make use of a treadmill for training in order to keep certain variables consistent, such as average walking speed. However, treadmill training can be used without use of any direct attachment or robotic device. The treadmill allows for the execution of many walking cycles in a relatively small and controlled space . This allows for any sensors, motion to capture camera systems or other data gathering systems to be placed near the subject for local experiments and trials. With a split-belt treadmill, training gives the ability to study of short-term motor adaptations when walking, which have been shown to have improved long-term effects on post-stroke gait.


  This complex machine can help people who have experienced any neurological injuries. It is not only used for spinal cord, brain injuries, traumatic or non-traumatic brain injury, strokes, cerebral palsy, but also for multiple sclerosis.

  In addition, it can also help in ways other than walking. This also helps not just the quality of life. In some studies, they have shown that this actually what we call spasticity. It helps their bowel and blatter function, patients who have these deficits because of the neurological injuries.

Learn more about Gait Training and Assessment Robotics at:


Post time: Sep-07-2022
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