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The therapeutic effects of the lower limb rehabilitation robot A1-3

Stroke, brain trauma, and other diseases can lead to various functional impairments such as movement, sensation, and cognition, reducing the ability to perform daily living activities and the quality of life. Lower limb dysfunction, which results in prolonged sitting or lying down, can lead to various complications, such as reduced cardiopulmonary function, digestive system function, or even failure, constipation, urinary tract infections due to urination difficulties, muscle atrophy and spasms in the lower limb muscle groups, lower limb deep vein thrombosis, and pressure sores.

Now, the lower limb rehabilitation robot in the rehabilitation medicine ward can effectively improve the above problems and accelerate patient recovery.


Clinical Case

Mr. Zhang, a 62-year-old male, experienced sudden weakness in the left side of his body, with limited movement in his left upper extremity and an inability to walk with his left lower extremity. He was admitted to the rehabilitation ward on August 6, 2024, with a diagnosis of recovery period following a cerebral hemorrhage.

 -Specialist assessment:

  • Lovett Muscle Power Assessment: Left upper extremity muscle power is grade 2, left lower extremity muscle power is grade 2;
  • Brunnstrom’s Stages of Recovery: Left hand stage III, left upper extremity stage III, left lower extremity stage III;
  • Modified Ashworth Scale for Muscle Tone Assessment: Left upper extremity grade 1, left lower extremity grade 1.
  • Hoffer’s Ambulation Scale: Level I, unable to walk;
  • The patient mainly complains of weakness in the left lower extremity, inability to lift the leg, and inability to stand.

In response to Mr. Zhang’s current symptoms, especially the motor dysfunction of the lower limbs, the rehabilitation physician has formulated an individualized rehabilitation training plan for Mr. Zhang, arranging lower limb rehabilitation robot treatment to maximize the recovery of the patient’s lower limb walking function. After 10 sessions of lower limb rehabilitation robot treatment, Mr. Zhang’s lower limb motor function has significantly improved.

Patient undergoing lower limb rehabilitation robot treatment

(Patient undergoing lower limb rehabilitation robot treatment)

 -Lower limb motor function assessment results after 10 treatments:

  • Lovett Muscle Power Assessment: Left lower extremity muscle power is grade 3;
  • Brunnstrom’s Stages of Recovery: Left lower extremity stage IV;
  • Modified Ashworth Scale for Muscle Tone Assessment Left lower extremity grade 1.
  • Hoffer’s Ambulation Scale: Level II, therapeutic walking.

Patient walking with a cane indoors after 10 lower limb rehabilitation robot treatments

(After 10 lower limb rehabilitation robot treatments)


Principles of lower limb rehabilitation robot treatment A1-3:

  It enables patients to simulate the gait pattern of normal individuals for rehabilitation training exercises, exercising the lower limb muscles, and restoring the nervous system’s control over walking functions, aiming to recover the ability to walk.


The therapeutic effects of the lower limb rehabilitation robot A1-3 are:

  •  Accelerate the transition from synergistic movements to dissociated movements in stroke patients;
  • Elicit residual strength in the lower limb muscles;
  • Enhance lower limb muscle strength and endurance;
  •  Improve the weight-bearing ability of the lower limbs and the coordination and flexibility of the hip, knee, and ankle joints;
  • Prevent orthostatic hypotension and lower limb deep vein thrombosis.

How to expedite the patient's lower limb

Advantages of the lower limb rehabilitation robot A1-3:

  • It can largely avoid the psychological pressure and negative attitude towards life that patients may experience due to an inability to stand;
  • It adjusts various bodily functions, improving indicators such as metabolism, blood oxygen content, and bone density, enhancing patient immunity, and greatly increasing patient confidence in rehabilitation;
  • It accelerates the recovery of patients’ lower limb walking functions.


Indications for the use of lower limb rehabilitation robot A1-3:

  • Impaired walking or mobility functions;
  • Lack of activity;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Paralysis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Parkinson’s disease;
  • Edema.

How to expedite the patient's


Contraindications for the use of lower limb rehabilitation robot A1-3:

  • Patients with severe primary diseases such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, liver, kidney, and hematopoietic systems; critically ill patients; and patients with mental illness;
  • Patients with severe cognitive dysfunction;
  • Patients with severe hearing, vision, or spatial disorders;
  • Patients with skin ulcers or infections in the lower limbs;
  • Patients with lower limb fractures within the last three months;
  • Patients with newly formed lower limb deep vein thrombosis and severe orthostatic hypotension;
  • Patients with frequent epilepsy;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Patients with malignant tumors. 


Please feel free contact us if you’re interested in this one

Email: Alma@yikangmedical.com

Whatsapp: +86 189-9831-9069

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Post time: Oct-22-2024
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