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Traction Therapy

What is Traction Theapy?

Applying the principles of force and reaction force in mechanics, external forces (manipulation, instruments, or electric traction devices) are used to apply a traction force to a part of the body or joint to cause a certain separation, and the surrounding soft tissue is properly stretched, thus achieving the purpose of treatment.
Traction Types:
According to the site of action, it is divided into spinal traction and limb traction;
According to the power of traction, it is divided into manual traction, mechanical traction and electric traction;
According to the duration of traction, it is divided into intermittent traction and continuous traction;
According to the posture of traction, it is divided into sitting traction, lying traction and upright traction;
Herniated disc, spinal facet joint disorders, neck and back pain, lower back pain, and limb contracture.

Malignant disease, acute soft tissue injury, congenital spinal deformity, inflammation of the spine (eg, spinal tuberculosis), spinal cord obvious compression, and severe osteoporosis.

Lumbar Traction Therapy in Supine Position
Fixing method: thoracic rib straps secure the upper body and pelvic straps secure the abdomen and pelvis.
Traction method:

Intermittent traction: the traction force is 40-60 kg, each treatment lasts 20-30min, inpatient 1-2 times/day, outpatient 1 time/day or 2-3 times/week, totally 3-4 weeks.
Continuous traction: The traction force continue to act on the spine for 20-30 minutes. If it is bed traction, the time can last for hours or 24 hours.
Indications: Lumbar disc herniation, lumbar joint disorder or spinal stenosis, chronic lower back pain.

Cervical traction in sitting position

Traction angle:

Nerve root compression: head flexion 20 ° -30 °
Vertebral artery compression: head neutral
Spinal cord compression (mild): head neutral
Traction force: start at 5 kg (or 1/10 body weight), 1-2 times a day, increase 1-2 kg every 3-5 days, up to 12-15 kg. Each treatment time does not exceed 30min, weekly 3-5 times.


Adjust the position, force, and duration according to patients’ response, start with small force and gradually increase. Stop traction immediately when patients have dizziness, palpitation, cold sweats, or worsening symptoms.

What’s the Therapeutic Effect of Traction Therapy?

Relieve muscle spasm and pain, improve local blood circulation, promote the absorption of edema and the resolution of inflammation. Loosen soft tissue adhesions and stretch the contracted joint capsule and ligaments. Reposition the impacted synovium of the posterior spine or improve the slightly dislocated facet joints, restore normal physiological curvature of the spine. Increase the intervertebral space and foramen, change the relationship between protrusions (such as intervertebral disc) or osteophytes (bone hyperplasia) and surrounding tissues, reduce nerve root compression, and improve clinical symptoms.

Post time: Jun-19-2020
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