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What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Let’s confirm if you have any sign of Parkinson’s diseases first.

Hand Tremor;

Stiff neck and shoulders;

Dragging steps while walking;

Unnatural arm swinging while walking;

Impaired fine movement;

Degeneration of smell;

Difficulty in standing up;

Obvious obstacles in writing;

PS: no matter how many symptom above you have, you should go to the hospital.


What is Parkinson’s disease?


Parkinson’s disease, a common chronic degenerative neurological disease, is characterized by tremor, myotonia, motor retardation, postural balance disorders and hypoolusia, constipation, abnormal sleep behavior and depression.


What is the cause of Parkinson’s disease?


The etiology of Parkinson’s disease remains unclear, and research tendencies are related to a combination of factors such as age, genetic susceptibility, and environmental exposure to mycin. Patients with Parkinson’s disease in their immediate relatives and those with a long history of exposure to herbicides, pesticides and heavy metals are all at high risk of Parkinson’s disease and must take regular physical examinations.


How to Detect Parkinson’s Disease Early?


“Hand tremor” is not necessarily Parkinson’s disease. Similarly, patients with Parkinson’s disease do not necessarily suffer from tremor. Parkinson’s disease patients tend to have “slow-movement” more often than hand tremor, but this is often overlooked. In addition to motor symptoms, Parkinson’s disease has non-motor symptoms.


“A not working nose” is a “hidden signal” of Parkinson’s disease! Many patients have found that they have lost their sense of smell for many years at the time of their visit, but at first, they thought it was a nasal disease so that they didn’t pay much attention to it.

In addition, constipation, insomnia, and depression are also early manifestations of Parkinson’s disease, and they usually occur earlier than motor symptoms.

Quite a few patients would have “strange” behaviors during sleep, such as screaming, noisy, kicking and beating people. Many people may simply think of it as “restless sleep”, but these “strange” behaviors are early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and should be taken seriously.


Two-way Misunderstanding about Parkinson’s Disease


When talking about Parkinson’s disease, the first impression we all have is “hand tremor”. If we detect Parkinson arbitrarily when we see hand tremor and refuse to go to doctors, it could be very dangerous.

This is a typical “two-way misunderstanding” in cognition. Most patients with Parkinson’s disease have limb tremor, which is often the earliest symptom, but 30% of patients may not have tremor during the whole process. On the contrary, hand tremor may also be caused by other diseases, if we treat it as Parkinson’s disease mechanically, the situation could be worse. A real Parkinson’s tremor should be quiescent, that is, tremor remain exists in a relaxed condition and will last for a long time.

Post time: Jun-29-2020
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