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What Is Stroke?

Definition of Stroke

Cerebrovascular accident, known as stroke, refers to a 24h lasting or mortal clinical syndrome of sudden occurrence of local or total brain dysfunction caused by cerebrovascular disease. It includes cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage.

What are the causes of stroke?

Vascular risks:
The most common cause of stroke is the small thrombus on the inner wall of the blood supply vessels of the brain, which causes arterial embolism after falling off, that is, ischemic stroke. Another cause could be cerebral blood vessels or thrombus hemorrhage, and that is hemorrhagic stroke. Other factors include hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. Among them, hypertension is the top risk factor for the onset of stroke in China, especially the abnormal rise in blood pressure in the morning. Studies show that hypertension in early morning is the strongest independent predictor of stroke events. The risk of ischemic stroke in the early morning is 4 times that of other periods. For every 10mmHg blood pressure increase in early morning, the risk of stroke increases by 44%.
Factors such as gender, age, race, etc.:
Study shows that the incidence of stroke in China is higher than that of heart disease, which is contrary to that in Europe and America.
Bad lifestyle:
There are usually multiple risk factors at the same time, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of proper exercise, excessive alcohol consumption and high homocysteine; as well as some basic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia, which can increase the risk of stroke.

What are the symptoms of stroke?

Sensory and motor dysfunction: hemisensory impairment, loss of one side vision (hemianopia) and hemimotor impairment (hemiplegia);
Communication dysfunction: aphasia, dysarthria, etc .;
Cognitive dysfunction: memory disorder, attention disorder, thinking ability disorder, blindness, etc;
Psychological disorders: anxiety, depression, etc .;
Other dysfunction: dysphagia, fecal incontinence, sexual dysfunction, etc;

Post time: Mar-24-2020
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